Strg-+/- broken?

Simon Perreault nomis80 at
Sun Jan 11 03:32:29 GMT 2004

On January 10, 2004 16:30, David Faure wrote:
> But why don't Ctrl+U and Ctrl+I "work" in KMail (i.e. trigger the above
> actions) ? Does KMail do anything to disable them? I'm somewhat confused
> now....

That's exactly what I've been asking myself: Why did it work before my changes 
and not after? In my changes I also removed the actions from the khtml.rc 
file. So, against all odds, does the following patch solve the problem? 
(Without the one I sent previously.) (Sorry, if I were to test this myself 
I'd probably miss the 3.2 release by a few weeks...)

Simon Perreault <nomis80 at> --
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