Middle Clicking on Bookmarks - KAction integration

Daniel Teske teske at squorn.de
Wed Dec 22 17:04:42 GMT 2004

David Faure wrote:

>On Wednesday 22 December 2004 16:54, Daniel Teske wrote:
>>b) Handling of Shift.
>>open bookmark in a new tab respects the user's configuration for
>>foreground/background opening, and if Shift is pressed reverses that
>>openFilteredURL (or kbookmarkbar/menu) should do that too.
>>Implementing it in kbookmarkbar/menu seems more natural, which would
>>require a additional parameter for openFilteredURL. (And obviously
>>extending the signal KBookmarkBar/menu emits.
>No need to extend the signal, the ButtonState that is shipped by the signal
>already contains the state of the modifiers, like Shift. So this can be done
>within konqueror itself AFAICS.
The signal from KBookmarkBar/menu to KonqMainWindow,*
*KBookmarkBar/Menu::OpenBookmarkURL(*const* QString & url, *bool* inNewTab)


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