Changes to translation shortcuts [REPOST]

Christian Mueller cmueller at
Wed Dec 1 22:38:10 GMT 2004

Am Samstag, 27. November 2004 23:15 schrieb Christian Mueller:
> Hello, 
> I'm following up to a short discussion on kde-core-devel 
> (
> Summary: 
> - The currently existing translation shortcuts en2de and de2en are 
> no longer working as the service has been discontinued. 
> A replacement has been suggested. 
> - There is a new service for translations between French and German
> on  The shortcuts fr2de and de2fr have been suggested. 
> I adapted/created the respective desktop files (see attachments).
> I tried to conserve the already existing translations for the en2de and de2en
> by just replacing the old host name by the new one.  The functionality remained 
> more or less the same so the description should still apply. 
> Is that ok?  Can these two shortcuts be used in the KDE 3.3 branch 
> despite the string freeze?   If not then I will remove them there 
> because they're broken right now. 
> The other two can only go into HEAD because of the string freeze...
> Ok to commit to HEAD (and to the 3.3 branch for en2de and de2en)?   


I have posted the desktop files that implement the above changes 
a few days ago but I haven't received any feedback so far on 
if it's ok to commit them to HEAD (and possibly to branch). 

What should be the next step?  


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