Speed and Look of IconView browsing.

Enrico Ros eros.kde at email.it
Sat Apr 3 19:10:15 BST 2004

I've just subscribed to this list and I'm posting here a message that has 
already been presented on kde-devel and usability MLs.

As you can find in this page:
I've been working on fixing some nearly "invisible" graphics bugs that slowed 
down the directory browsing speed. Since it's hard to perceive that , the 
user might get upset when browsing without knowing why :-P.

I want to apply the patches you find in that page, so I'm asking if I can.
Here is the list of patches:
01 NOT TO BE APPLIED IN SHORT. Eye-candy patch. The user will see the viewport 
painted at once, not the growing from the top-left corner; also suppress 
flicker due to composting.
02 ALREADY IN QT-COPY. I'll mantain it there. It was a bug that made windows 
refreshing their contents too much when switching between them. Also sent to 
03 *updated* TO BE APPLIED. This turns an O(N) into 0. To give an order of 
magnitude, without the patch, inserting 200 items in a IconView will take the 
same time of all the other operations (repaints included) summed up!
04 TO BE APPLIED. BugFix: in some cases an 'unsorted' frame was displayed 
before the correct one (for some milliseconds, but it hurts :-).
05 *updated* TO BE APPLIED. Don't clear (2 times) the background when changing 
from an URL to another, just display the next contents over the previous 

I'll wait to discuss here the patches, and if nobody complains about them, or 
anybody give me an ok I'll apply them.

Enrico Ros

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