text selection consistency

Leo Savernik l.savernik at aon.at
Thu Sep 25 03:12:33 BST 2003


I noticed that khtml's text selection differs from virtually all other KDE 
applications' selections. Normally a selection is indicated by coloring its 
text with KGlobalSettings::highlightedTextColor, and its background with 
KGlobalSettings::highlightedColor. All Qt input widgets use this selection 
coloring consistently, as well as KDE applications like KWord or Kate (though 
configurable there).

Khtml indicates a selection by using the foreground color as the background 
and using an inverted foreground color. For consistency reasons I think khtml 
should adhere to the global settings, too. As there might be a cause why the 
current implementation has been done like this in the first place, I'd like 
to discuss it here.

Another thing I noticed is that selected lines have small gaps between the 
lines, even with default styles. No other browser I tried exhibits the same 
behaviour, not even QTextEditor, therefore it can't be a Qt issue. Would 
anybody object if I closed the gaps?


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