konqueror and persistent tcp connections

Waldo Bastian bastian at kde.org
Wed Oct 29 17:08:05 GMT 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Wed October 29 2003 15:53, Tom Diamond wrote:
> [I am not subscribed to the list so please CC me]
> Hello,
> Does konqueror implements persistent tcp connections (HTTP/1.1)?


> Two examples :
> I am trying to implement a simple web server and doing some tests with 
> mozilla (latest) and konqueror 3.1.4.
> a) when reqeusting a page with an image, mozilla tries to get the image 
> through the same connection he got the page. Konqueror opens a new 
> connection (without closing the old one)

Yes, because we start fetching images while the page is still loading.

> b) in a page containing a form (let's say POST method), mozilla sends 
> back data through the same connection. Konqueror opens a new connection.

Yes, this is to prevent that we accidentaly POST the form twice. If we were to 
reuse the same connection it can happen that at that very moment that we send 
the data, the server decides to drop the connection. The HTTP spec allows 
that but in such situation we will not know if either a) the server never got 
our POST request and we would need to retry or b) the server got the request 
but a network error occured.
> So, is it just a matter of implementation or konqueror waits for a 
> specific header from the server to keep communicating through the same 
> connection?

It's an implementation matter although HTTP headers play a role as well, since 
the remote server can explicitly request the closing of the connection.

- -- 
bastian at kde.org -=|[ SUSE, The Linux Desktop Experts ]|=- bastian at suse.com
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