JavaScript resizeTo bug

David Faure dfaure at
Sun Oct 26 19:11:36 GMT 2003

On Sunday 26 October 2003 22:04, Andras Mantia wrote:
> OK, found the reason: if the tabs are visible it doesn't work.
Ah. Hmm, it's arguable what should happen in such a case. The needs of the various
websites in the different tabs, are different.

>  Also should it signal somehow the resizing event to the embedding widget
> (Konqueror or Quanta)
Yes, that's how it works (nowadays).
BrowserExtension's resizeTopLevelWidget signal is emitted, it's up to the hosting
application to handle it. Apparently the konqview code willingly discards this
if tabs are shown, and I can't say I disagree with that.

David Faure -- faure at, dfaure at
Qt/KDE/KOffice developer
Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, Platform-independent software solutions

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