session cookies don't expire

h019 at h019 at
Sun Oct 26 10:28:29 GMT 2003


  yes, I do have kde 3.1; (Mandrake 9.1)  - how did you guess? ;-)

  I've noticed that session cookies don't disappear after I 
close the last window which was connected to a website, and 
the cookies don't even disappear if I close *all* 
konqueror windows. I have to log out and log back in to 
clear them off. This decreases usability.

  Without going into cookies management and manually 
removing offending cookies one-by-one, how can I ensure that 
the right cookies get automatically erased once I close the 
last window that belonged to a website ?

 What would be the cmd line to 1) list all cookies, 2)
modify a cookie and 3) remove a cookie ?



PS: Thanks for getting KDE this far ! It's great !

-- Gospel of Jesus' kingdom = saving power of God for all who believe --
                 ## To some, nothing is impossible. ##

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