CSS - another bad flickering scrollbar problem

Casey Allen Shobe cshobe at somerandomdomain.com
Sun Oct 12 15:34:45 BST 2003

For another bad flickering scrollbar problem in current CVS:


(tested @ 1600x1200 maximized window)

Why are there so many CSS pages that do this?  It all must surely lead to one 

Casey Allen Shobe
cshobe at somerandomdomain.com
Jabber: sigthor at jabber.org; ICQ: 1494523; AIM/Yahoo: SomeLinuxGuy

It is possible by ingenuity and at the expense of clarity... {to do almost
anything in any language}.  However, the fact that it is possible to push
a pea up a mountain with your nose does not mean that this is a sensible
way of getting it there.  Each of these techniques of language extension
should be used in its proper place.
                -- Christopher Strachey

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