Trash, Delete, Shred

Dawit A. adawit at
Sat Jun 28 18:53:40 BST 2003

On Saturday 28 June 2003 09:58, Samuel Penn wrote:
> On Saturday 28 June 2003 14:18, David Hugh-Jones wrote:
> > Sounds like a similar deal to Max Howell. If the trash automatically
> > offered to delete everything once it hit a certain size quota, would you
> > then feel able to "just hit delete" without worrying about how big the
> > file was?
> Problem with this is that a single large file (such as an iso, or film) can
> end up wiping out everything in the trash because the single file is
> so big. When you didn't even want it to go to the trash in the first place,
> this would be kindof annoying.

Why not simply imitate real life ?  In real life if you keep putting  trash 
into a trash can it will eventually fill up.  When this happens it does not 
automatically offer you to empty itself, thought this would be a nice idea 
for a trash robot, you have to empty it yourself.  If you ingore this and 
continue to add more stuff, it will simply end up outside of the trash can.

What this means to me is that if there is going to be a quota on the trash 
can, it should allow you to move stuff into it until it fills up.  After that 
it should refuse any attempts to put more stuff into it.  The application 
should then warn the user that the trash can is full and present the user 
with actions he/she can take.  This IMHO would be very simple and straight 

Dawit A.

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