Konqueror delete unification

David Faure faure at kde.org
Wed Jul 16 13:21:35 BST 2003

On Wednesday 16 July 2003 14:10, Koos Vriezen wrote:
> > Plus this doesn't solve the problems due to conflicting filenames
> > (deleting a file with the same name in two directories).
> Imo, symlinking to ~/Trash is a bad idea (or there should be path info in
> the symlink name). There might be a way to easily browse trash, but it's
> a weak spot. 'find mounting-point -name .trash -type d' does makes it
> possible though. To me, it's about what do you do the most, moving stuff
> to trash or trying to get it out of there. And what you do the most
> should be the fastest.
> Moving stuff to ~/Trash has also the size weak spot, some files just don't
> fit and du -s on dirs isn't convenient either.
> There we have two ways with its deficits..

Yes, you're comparing two bad solutions, omitting the good one :)
* Just moving to .trash means listing the trash contents takes a big find -> bad
* Moving to .trash and adding symlinks brings back the problem of conflicting filenames -> bad
* Moving to a per-partition trash directory, which some kde config file would know
about (so it doesn't need to "find" it), and having some medata info file at the
toplevel pointing to a unique (random-generated) file/subdir, to solve the
problem of conflicting filenames, is the idea in the gnome-kde thread, and IMHO
the best one.

Per-partition means no size problem, nor long copying. But requires some 
heuristics, it would help to get the exact algorithm from Nautilus since they've
been doing that for some time.
It's almost like the .trash idea, but if we register such dirs globally, there should
be very few. If there's one per directory, then everytime a directory is moved
or renamed, the dir can't be found anymore. At least with only one per partition
this reduces that risk.

But in addition to the .trash idea (independently from where we move the files),
metadata info file means lots of features possible, and no conflicting filenames.

> > I think the idea described in http://urbanlizard.com/~aseigo/Trash_system_messages
> > is more complete (it includes the ability to see the date of deletion, and
> > to restore the mtime of the file when restoring it, etc.), and it fixes those problems.
> So does moving to .trash, no?

Where do you get the datetime of deletion, if you just move to .trash?

David FAURE, faure at kde.org, sponsored by Trolltech to work on KDE,
Konqueror (http://www.konqueror.org), and KOffice (http://www.koffice.org).
Qtella users - stability patches at http://blackie.dk/~dfaure/qtella.html

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