Konqueror delete unification

Jos van den Oever kdelists at vandenoever.info
Wed Jul 16 09:52:23 BST 2003

On Wednesday 16 July 2003 10:52, David Hugh-Jones wrote:
> I read this urbanlizard stuff. It is very interesting. But I also
> remember how I used to get infuriated because Konqueror created a
> .directory file on remote servers to store thumbnails and directory
> metainfo. I don't think I like the idea of sprinkling hidden files about
> remote file systems. Especially when those files are trashed! Consider
> this:
> * I delete a file which contains a password or other sensitive data
> * the file is still there, on the remote filesystem and possibly in a
> web-accessible directory.

These are justified concerns and should be addressed properly.
Any file that you delete should be invisible to anyone not having write access 
to it before.

In a per-user trash directory, all files are only visible to the user that 
deleted them, unless the filesystem does not allow per-user file permissions. 
In the latter case, it's not a problem that the file is still visible: it was 
visible before too and the trash interface is/should be clear enough that the 
user knows the file is still there.

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