feature request - new favourites menu

Benjamin Rich benxor at godisdead.com
Sat Jan 25 20:15:28 GMT 2003

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I haven't yet subscribed to this list.

Just a feature-request - I often record URLs of interesting sites as 
favourites, but I find in general I just don't follow them up - the sites I'm 
familiar with, I typically just retype in every type as it's easier than 
going to a menu. This, as I see it, should not be what the favourites menu 
should be used as - a never-used archive - and I thought some people may have 
a similar pecadillo.

I had an idea about a possible replacement for the Favourites menu (or 
alternative menu) which might be more condusive to revisiting links or 
keeping ever-growing URL lists in order.
   I find the KDE menu, like the window 'start menu', is much more condusive 
to use. a menubar menu (the current state of the bookmarks menu in Konquerer 
and almost all browsers) is usually for something in an application that is 
very specific - in my mind in any case, these menus are the menus for 
application settings, file saving, etc. - technical things. But the 'start 
menu' is a menu more associated with arranging, catagorising, and selecting 
things - it's a menu which starts thing (as it were), launches. I feel this 
is a better menu for the favourites.

Basically what I'm suggesting is: could there be a choice in Konquerer to also 
have the favourites in a start-bar-like menu - possibly a little less obvious 
than the general start-menu, such as longer and flatter and tucked in the 
bottom-right-hand corner of the viewing window - instead of just a menubar 
menu (which is boring and not as condusive to use) or a side-pane, which 
takes up so much room from the main viewing pane.

Please let me know what you think of this =)

- -Ben

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