KDirLister keeps mounted devices in use

Michael Brade brade at kde.org
Mon Jan 13 20:27:53 GMT 2003

On Wednesday 08 January 2003 12:50, Michael Brade wrote:
> Ahh, very good, that was easy. So it means probably_slow_mounted is
> everything not automounted or nfs. Thus, detecting cdrom and floppy should
> work perfectly.
Too bad... I admit, I misunderstood the code, I misread the 
   !strcmp(mounttype, "autofs") 
:-} No wonder it doesn't work! It is exactly the other way round, slow_mounted 
means everything with mounttype autofs. But I don't understand why and I 
don't know what autofs is.

Furthermore, for recognizing cdrom, floppy etc I'd need to modify 
probably_slow_mounted to check for the "noauto" mount option, i.e. a 
filesystem that is not automatically mounted with mount -a. _That_ should be 
considered slow. Any objections to do so?

Michael Brade;                 KDE Developer, Student of Computer Science
  |-mail: echo brade !#|tr -d "c oh"|s\e\d 's/e/\@/2;s/$/.org/;s/bra/k/2'
  °--web: http://www.kde.org/people/michaelb.html

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