Win32 Port of Safari

Vadim Plessky lucy-ples at
Fri Jan 10 12:22:50 GMT 2003

On Friday 10 January 2003 03:26, Andreas Dieling wrote:
|  > Using a toolkit, for now, may make development faster.  In the end, if
|  > the
|  > controls are few and simple, I might move towards programming directly
|  > to the
|  > GDI for the sake of performance. Since KHTML already runS on Mac and
|  > Unix, and
|  > extra portability layer will be unnecessary.
|  Its faster to use mfc then to hack win32-api. Or are there .NET
|  bindings for c++ and visual studio6 ? Since .NET will replace win32 in
|  the future, and i think it bids more intuitive object orientation than
|  mfc.

I don't think you should buy idea of .NET from MS, at least for now and for 
the next 3 years or so.
While I run Linux/KDE almost exclusively, I still have Windows partition for 
games (Heroes of MM, Diablo II, and some other relaxation stuff).
And that Windows is Win 98, not Win NT / Win 2000 or latest-greatest Win XP.
Reviewing statistics for web vistors on major sites, I see that Win95/98 
platform still dominates.

Final point: it's better to hack using win32 and do not count .Net stuff 
seriously in nearest future.

|  Andreas


Vadim Plessky
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