Preview bug(s) in 3.1rc6

Chris Kuhi kdelists at
Fri Jan 10 11:57:43 GMT 2003

I just wanted to check whether these bugs are known.  A cursory search of didn't turn it up so I wanted to check here before entering.

Pentium III
SuSE Linux 8.0 (with the SuSE 2.4.18-4GB kernel)
qt-copy from yesterday
KDE 3.1-rc6 compiled with konstruct

1) Selection of 'View->Preview->HTML Files' seems totally broken.  Initially, 
I noticed that when I uncheck HTML Files, the icons briefly switch to no 
preview, then they go right back to preview.  Further checking/unchecking of 
that entry seems to show no discernible pattern, i.e. at some random point 
the preview is turned off, then maybe back on on the next iteration, then it 
remains the same for several more clicks (of Preview->HTML Files).  There 
seems to be no correlation between the checkmark and the state of the preview 
mode for HTML files.
2) The 'preview' is a text preview, though the files are correctly identified 
as HTML files.

Can anyone reproduce these?

Chris Kuhi
Email: chris at

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