Win32 Port of Safari

Zack Rusin zack at
Wed Jan 8 20:53:18 GMT 2003

On Wednesday 08 January 2003 15:37, Alan Gutierrez wrote:
> Mr Joham
> Thank you for broaching the subject of licences. The "IP infringment"
> aspect of Visual C++ is news to me. I would be using Visual C++ 6 SP
> 1 to do this development, which is the complier I use to compile
> Mozilla. I'll Google on this, chat with Mozillans, thank you.
> I was more concerned about Qt/WebCore/JavaScriptCore restrictions.
> Although I am literally aching (boring XSLT -> headache) to get
> started with Konq, I'm going to do some research on Apple's licencing
> first.

You have nothing to worry about. KWQ (love the name :) ) uses a modified 
BSD license ( 

In short you are free to play with it (for definitions of play including 
- modifying, distributing both in binary and machine readable format) 
as long as you include the presented in headers copyright notice. Have 
fun :) If you'll have any licensing questions feel free to email me. 


If atheism is a religion, then "bald" is a hair color.

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