KDirLister keeps mounted devices in use

Michael Brade brade at kde.org
Wed Jan 8 11:37:00 GMT 2003

On Wednesday 08 January 2003 00:17, Waldo Bastian wrote:
> Instead of relying on KDirWatch, can't you somehow check whether the cache
> is still valid before you reuse it? Maybe something like:
> check mtime/ctime of dir
> if modified
>   throw away cache
> else
>   show cache
>   validate (and update) cached items
> Checking the mtime/ctime should detect new/deleted files I think, so you
> only need to validate to update any file attributes (time/size)
Yes, new and deleted files. But as it was said already, we want size changes 
as well. That's all what KDirWatch is for...

> You could also check with KIO::probably_slow_mounted and keep using
> KDirWatch when it isn't slow.
Ok, will have a look.

Michael Brade;                 KDE Developer, Student of Computer Science
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