Javascript debugger

Koos Vriezen koos.vriezen at
Sun Feb 16 16:48:55 GMT 2003

On Sun, 16 Feb 2003, Koos Vriezen wrote:

> I would very much like to see pages that are dynamic created. Typically
> original 'about:blank' documents, replaced with
> (Now I have to do 'top.frames[0].document.firstChild.innerHTML' to get it
> contents).

Here is an example of this. Current debugger doesn't work here
   function doIt() {
    var doc = myframe.document;;
    doc.write("<html><body onClick='alert(\"Hi\")'></body></html>");
   <FRAMESET onLoad="doIt()">
     <FRAME NAME="myframe" SRC="about:blank">
(Break at next statement and click on the frame)

Problem of course is having multible about:blank. Sometime ago I tried
It's more of a hack but that worked for me, all generated documents could
now be selected and debug'ed if it contained JS.

> Koos

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