Rename icons inline

Stian Søiland stian at
Mon Aug 4 01:35:25 BST 2003

On 2003-07-31 09:37:33, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:

> looking over BR#61868 i discovered KDE had the option to rename files by 
> clicking on the icon name (vs selecting them and then pressing F2). this is 
> defaulted to off. since this is something that would greatly easy single 
> click, i'd like to suggest it be turned ON by default.

OS/2 had a nice feature of double clicking with the RIGHT mouse button
to change the name. 

An other alternative is to use click-and-hold. Now in KDE, doing:

   DOWN   WAIT 1s   UP

The icon still opens. It should be either selected or go to
'rename'-state.  It is rather difficult now to 'abort' a click-open.
Pressing escape has no effect. Moving the pointer away from the object
moves it. To abort: Move the object away, THEN hit escape.

In either way this will be a 'must learn first' feature. 

I'm still btw a bit uncertain about the opening-on-first-click-feature.

Stian Søiland               Work toward win-win situation. Win-lose
Trondheim, Norway           is where you win and the other lose.      Lose-lose and lose-win are left as an
                            exercise to the reader.  [Limoncelli/Hogan]

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