Repost from KDE Users forum: Javascript errors

David Joham djoham at
Thu Apr 10 22:59:35 BST 2003

Hi Adam,

The CVS version of Konq has a JavaScript debugger, but there isn't anything that I'm aware of
short of alert("I'm here") available for 3.1 and below. Sorry...

If you let me know off-list what you're trying to do, I might be able to help out...


--- Adam Peller <apeller at> wrote:
> Hello. 
> I am trying to port a complex DHTML app to Konqueror and am unable to 
> track down JavaScript errors. On one installation, I have been able to see 
> kjscript errors on the console, but they are extremely limited (e.g. 
> Syntax Error on line 1, it doesn't say which file... type error w/o 
> specifying any line number, etc.) On another installation, there are no 
> error messages at all, although I'm sure at least as many errors are 
> occurring. The FAQ mentions something about errors being logged to the 
> console, prefixed with JS: in a "debug build" but fails to explain what a 
> debug build is or if it's something I would have to build myself. 
> I'd expect error reporting to be a feature in the GUI, analogous to a 
> JavaScript Console in other browsers, rather than a system console or 
> developer thing, as this is something end users need to have access to. 
> The more detail, the better. 
> Are there any JS debugging facilities in Konqueror? Hopefully some which 
> do not require custom builds? Sorry if I'm missing something obvious. 
> Adam Peller
> apeller at us dot ibm dot com
> Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2003 5:47 pm    Post subject: JavaScript errors in 
> Konqueror

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