PATCH: kio_ftp

Dawit A. adawit at
Tue Apr 8 03:19:19 BST 2003


While fixing BR# 56290, I run into the following two issues:

1.) If you are prompted for login info because anonymous login was not allowed 
and you enter incorrect information, an error page will be displayed when it 
should not.

2.) On some ftpd systems, namely pure-ftpd, an attempt to login anonymously 
while anonymous login is disallowed will cause it to close the connection 
resulting in unpredictable behavior in konqueror.  This is largely due to the 
fact that ftpSendCmd only deals with the first line of error message sent 
back from the server.  For example, here is what I get when I attempt to 
manually login to a pure-ftpd server with the anonymous user login disabled:

530 This is a private system - No anonymous login
Login failed.
421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection

Anyways, the patch below is meant to address both these issues.  Both of the 
problems are in ftpSendCmd and both require actions to be taken or not based 
on the m_bLogggedOn flag...

Any comments, suggestions ?

Dawit A.
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