Konqueror rendering problem

Pavel Troller patrol at sinus.cz
Fri Oct 18 23:16:34 BST 2002

> With testkhtml (do a make testkhtml in kdelibs/khtml) you can view the
> generated HTML with the 'Print DOM Tree to STDOUT' menu option. In case of
> multible windows, you can always do
>       dcop konqueror-pid html-widgetx evalJS 'document.body.innerHTML'
> on the commandline (you need to figure out the pid and x of course).
  Oh, really great tips! I didn't know of testkhtml and already many times
searched for a similar functionality!

  So, I did a test case. It's at http://sinux.sinus.cz/~patrol/alik2.html .
  The problem with obscuring is that there is a <TD ALIGN="center"> and then
<IMG ALIGN="RIGHT"> for the picture. Do You see ? The word center is written
in _lowercase_ while RIGHT in uppercase. When I change center into CENTER,
it looks much better. Really interesting :-).
  Why the letters have different spacing, I really don't know, because
all their definition is the same.
  Even the old NS4 renders it OK, as IE does.

                                             With regards, Pavel Troller

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