Extension "m3u"
Till Krech
till at snafu.de
Fri Oct 18 20:37:14 BST 2002
On Friday 18 October 2002 19:11, Marco Hofmann wrote:
> Hello all,
> to get more comfort I report this behaviour to you, in the hope that this
> will get included in a next release. This is of course is not a bug !
> Sometimes I am listening to an Internet-Radio-Station with different
> channels. On of the links is:
> http://www.dunklewelle.com/playlists/rdw-channel4.m3u (example for channel
> 4).
> This results in konquerer to show this content:
> #EXTINF:-1,Radio Dunkle Welle Channel 4
> http://www.live365.com/play/124116
as plain text because the HTTP header says:
Content-Type: text/plain
It is primarily a problem of the server which has no mimetype entry for m3u.
It is difficult to find a smart solution here in konqueror because not relying
on the mime type would also be wrong.
regards till
> A manual copy and paste of the given URL will start playing the sound
> stream.
> Under Win* with RealPlayer installed, this will call the mentioned program.
> Maybe you exactly know how to make me happy in future ;-)
> Greetings,
> Marco
Till Krech from Berlin, Germany is happy with
SuSE Linux 8.0 (i386) 2.4.18-64GB-SMP * KDE: 3.0.8 (KDE 3.1 beta2)
Qt: 3.1.0-b2 * gcc version 3.2
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