dumping / restoring current page context ?

h019 at ied.com h019 at ied.com
Tue Nov 12 05:14:04 GMT 2002


   I was wondering how could I dump / save the context for the currently 
viewed page(s), so I can examine them ?
(context would include in-memory cookies, sessionIDs, and all the 

   And how could I then reconstruct such context ?

   The idea is that if I load some pages, then sign on, am in the middle
of a website session (as in session with the remote website), but then I
have to go away from the computer for a while (and there is a good chance
that the electricity will go out during that time), but I *must* continue
with the website session exactly where I left off, I would need to save 
the complete context before power goes out. When power comes back, I start 
konqueror again, and reload back the whole context, so I can continue the 
website session. So how do I save(dump) the full context ? And how do I 
reload it back into a page ?

     Thanks again,


-- Gospel of Jesus' kingdom = saving power of God for all who believe --
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