real video plugin

Till Krech till at
Sun Nov 10 21:04:04 GMT 2002

Finally, I found the cause of the problem that a page containing an embedded 
real video (displayed with nspluginviewer) cannot be be reloaded or a 
subsequent page also containing a realvideo is not correctly displayed.

The problem:
The current page is not unloaded before the new one is loaded.
The real plugin is somewhat global. When a new instance is created and during 
the creation another one is destroyed, it hangs.

Is there a way to get a closeURL() in a part before a new openURL() and not 
afterwards ?

you can try it out here:
click on the images on the right to change the video in the left frame.
If konqi hangs, just do a
killall nspluginviewer
in the konsole

do not try it with 'real one' alpha for linux, it just crashes - also in 
Real developers should use valgrind ;-)

regards, till 
Till Krech from Berlin, Germany is happy with
SuSE Linux 8.0 (i386) 2.4.18-64GB-SMP * KDE: 3.0.98 (KDE 3.1 RC2)
Qt: 3.1.0 * gcc version 3.2

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