good news: nspluginviewer HTTP POST Support

Till Krech till at
Tue Nov 5 19:45:23 GMT 2002

On Tuesday 05 November 2002 20:20, David Faure wrote:
> Hmm is it supposed to _return_ a string from that method, and use it as the
> contents of the frame, or simply to call that method?
No, it isnt supposed to return something. it basically does a javascript

> If the latter, this patch might be enough. 
And yes, it works in this case.
Can it break something else ?
> If the former, the TODO has to
> be implemented :) (For this, the code in slotRedirect() or the code line
> 2923 (requestFrame) might help. Hmm, in fact simply calling requestFrame
> might be all that's needed...).
Any volunteers ? ;-)
> > Who decides in this phase wether the patch can go in or not ?
> Other developers (e.g. at least one other developer, involved with the app
> or lib).
George ?

regards till
Till Krech from Berlin, Germany is happy with
SuSE Linux 8.0 (i386) 2.4.18-64GB-SMP * KDE: 3.0.98 (KDE 3.1 RC2)
Qt: 3.1.0 * gcc version 3.2

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