fix for bug 39722 causes serious regressions in Hiermenus

Koos Vriezen koos.vriezen at
Thu May 30 21:39:38 BST 2002


Can a hidden element have a mouse inside? If not, should this be applied:

diff -u -3 -p -r1.175 render_object.cpp
--- rendering/render_object.cpp 2002/05/10 00:32:18     1.175
+++ rendering/render_object.cpp 2002/05/30 20:33:24
@@ -833,9 +833,10 @@ bool RenderObject::nodeAtPoint(NodeInfo&
     int ty = _ty + yPos();
     if (isRelPositioned())
         static_cast<RenderBox*>(this)->relativePositionOffset(tx, ty);
-    bool inside = (style()->visibility() != HIDDEN && ((_y >= ty) && (_y
< ty + height()) &&
-                  (_x >= tx) && (_x < tx + width()))) || isBody() ||
+    if (style()->visibility() == HIDDEN)
+        return false;
+    bool inside = ((_y >= ty) && (_y < ty + height()) &&
+                  (_x >= tx) && (_x < tx + width())) || isBody() ||
     bool inner = !info.innerNode();

     // ### table should have its own, more performant method



Koos Vriezen

On Wed, 29 May 2002, David Joham wrote:

> Recreation follows:
> <html>
> <style>
> #adv { POSITION: absolute; left: 50px ; top: 0px ; visibility: hidden}
> #Buttons { POSITION: absolute; top: 80px; visibility: inherit; }
> </style>
> <body>
> <DIV ID="Buttons">
> <DIV id="adv" onmouseover="alert('I should not come up')">
> <a href="javaScript:alert('It works')">Click here, you should see a
> message box</a>
> </DIV>
> </DIV>
> </body>
> </html>

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