[PATCH] konqueror crash recovery

David Faure david at mandrakesoft.com
Sat May 25 16:07:31 BST 2002

On Saturday 25 May 2002 16:57, Alexander Kellett wrote:
> > (QString::arg() isn't the fastest thing on earth, but KonqView ctor and dtor
> > aren't called 100 times a second, shouldn't matter.)
> out of interest, whats your suggested faster way? sprintf?

Hmm, I would use

QCString str;
str += ...;
str += ...;
but since this has to realloc the array each time it's still not the fastest way ;)
But at least it doesn't have to "look into the string" like arg() or sprintf() have to,
and doesn't need qstring->qcstring conversion on the whole string.
Doesn't matter in this very case, it's about rare code and small strings ;)

David FAURE, david at mandrakesoft.com, faure at kde.org
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