katepart displays source code without konqueror knowing it

Erik Sjölund erik.sjolund at home.se
Tue May 14 17:38:25 BST 2002

This is a reflexion over:
Bug#42464: Konqueror doesn't switch between 
text editor KPart and web broswer mode

I'm not so familiar with the code, so
this is more like speculating...

The katepart is able to display source code
of different mime types, e.g.

text/x-makefile, text/html, text/x-c++ .... 

These mime types are all listed in the file

Let say konqueror has just shown a text/plain
file. After that a text/html url is requested by
the user. Konqueror checks if the previously loaded 
view can handle the newly requested service type.
Katepart can handle text/html, so konqueror uses 
it ones more. The requested html page now gets 
shown in source code format.
What I just showed here was that konqueror 
didn't know how the part was going to display 
the URL.

A suggestion:

Maybe, one could introduce a new entry
type in the desktop files, such as


And konqueror handles user request to
open URLs by requesting,

*partServiceOffers = KTrader::self()->query( serviceType,
"KParts/ReadOnlyPart","[X-KDE-SourceViewer] != 'yes'", QString::null );

as default,
and when the user explicitly wants to see source code,

*partServiceOffers = KTrader::self()->query( serviceType,
"KParts/ReadOnlyPart","[X-KDE-SourceViewer] == 'yes' or ", QString::null

The type "text/plain" could be an exception here,
leading to query like,

*partServiceOffers = KTrader::self()->query( serviceType,
"KParts/ReadOnlyPart",QString::null, QString::null );

What do you think? Maybe I'm missing something important?

Erik Sjölund

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