a question of speed

Vadim Plessky lucy-ples at mtu-net.ru
Thu Jun 13 14:34:31 BST 2002

On Wednesday 12 June 2002 12:41 am, Michael Cardenas wrote:
|  Hello again.
|  I'd like to ask you all about a problem we're seeing with regards to
|  speed. Our build of kde3 is based upon cvs from 0327.
|  We are having a speed problem when accessing some sites, specifically
|  mp3.com. When using kde 2.2.2 we were able to load mp3.com in just about
|  3 seconds. With our latest release, mp3.com loads in about 30 seconds.
|  These speeds are from within our offices, on a high speed connection.

No delay with KDE 3.0.1 here. (Mandrake RPMs)
Samll note: downloading from that site was somewhat slow, probably due to the 
overload of this site. Sometimes speed itself was 190 bytes/sec. (not 190KB!)
I am on 2Mbit connection at office, so 200KB/sec. is quite achievable.

|  The strange part is that SUSE with kde 3.0.0 loads mp3.com in just over
|  3 seconds.
|  I've looked at the headers and the responses and the responses from the
|  mp3.com server actually have a Date field which says that they are about
|  6 seconds apart.
|  Here are the headers sent by our version of konqueror to one of our
|  local webservers.
|  GET / HTTP/1.1
|  Connection: Keep-Alive
|  User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.0.1 (CVS >= 20020327))

Isn't it KDE 3.0 branch, pre-3.0.1 release?

|  LindowsOS/SPX (Lindows.com, Inc.)
|  Pragma: no-cache
|  Cache-control: no-cache
|  Accept: text/*, image/jpeg, image/png, image/*, */*
|  Accept-Encoding: x-gzip, gzip, identity
|  Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1, utf-8;q=0.5, *;q=0.5
|  Accept-Language: en
|  Host: shop.webdev.lindows.com
|  Cookie: w3t_mypass=Fi.r4Xax6k3d2; w3t_myname=michaelc%40lindows.com;
|  VERSION-LindowsOS=1.0; PLATFORM=LindowsOS;
|  Bugzilla_login=michaelc at lindows.com; Bugzilla_logincookie=837;
|  VERSION-Lindows.com=1.0;
|  Lindows_Session=35eb6d9e6b63cf71c6132cadf400fd9f
|  I understand that since this only happens on our distro, you prolly
|  won't be interested, but if anyone has any ideas, I would greatly
|  appreciate them.
|  thanks
|       michael


Vadim Plessky
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