HTML for KMail [Re: khtml and table widths]

Marc Mutz mutz at
Fri Jul 19 15:19:00 BST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Friday 19 July 2002 15:15, Vadim Plessky wrote:
> So, what's the problem tomake this customizable now?
> Just pus CSS definition you sent to me above into separate.
> There is a html4.css (part of kdebase), which defines Konq's default
> styles for HTML4.
> What about to add kmail.css to kdenetwork, so there would be no
> problem with Fancy Headers customization?

The problem is that the colors, fonts etc. are configurable. That means 
you have to re-create the .css file whenever something changes. Last 
time I looked, you also couldn't preload khtml with a user stylesheet 
to override parts of html4.css, so you really need to put the css file 
down to disk and hope khtml recognizes when it changed (also something 
that didn't seem to work when I tried this).

The last problem is that in KMail, no single object is keeping track for 
the config options. Instead, the config dialog and the widget concerned 
do it both "together". That means that you have to duplicate the code 
that creates the css file. The other option is to actually _make_ the 
config options the property of a single object and esp. the config 
dialog stops writing the config itself, but acts only via the config 
manager on the config options. That's what I've done with identities. 
It has to be done for each of the config realms that exist in KMail. 
Then, provided khtml can finally accept a QString with a user css file, 
we can make the transistion to html+css.

Then, there's yet another problem: Currently, each html mail can 
override our css settings and colour the links differently. Worse, it 
can even change the colour of the pgp frame. Without khtml finally 
implementing <object> usably, ie. standards compliant, ie. as a 
replaced content/element that is resized according to it's content, 
there's not much we can really do w.r.t. css. In fact, we might even be 
using too much css already. :-(


- -- 
Marc Mutz <mutz at>
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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