PATCH: Open With...

Dawit A. adawit at
Sun Jul 14 19:27:01 BST 2002


Here is a patch that changes/fixes a couple of things in the Open With... 
dialog box:

- Follow the "Open With->" format even if only one application is associated 
with a given mime-type.  I guess this is a matter of preference, but it would 
make the behavior consistent plus reduce the real-state the popup menu 

- Make sure that separators are added properly.  Currently there were 
cuircumstances where a double/triple separators were being drawn. The
way to make sure this does not happen is to only add separators "before"
adding new menu items, never "after".  The culprit for the above problem were 
the plugins, specifically the kuick plugin.  As such, with the patch attached 
below, a plugin no longer needs to add any separator unless it specifically 
needs to separate its own items...

Dawit A.
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