MMB opens in new tab

Doug Hanley hanleyman at
Sun Jul 14 17:22:19 BST 2002


I was checking out the webcvs logs and I noticed that there was some sign of a 
mmb opens in new tab patch coming soon.  I'm not sure if you've already done 
this, or if you haven't started yet, but I just wanted to tell you that I 
have that feature already in my tree, so I guess I'll just show you what I 
have right here:

(this function is called in the beginning of both versions of 
slotCreateNewWindow, i'm not sure if thats correct)

void KonqMainWindow::createNewTab( const KURL &url, const KParts::URLArgs 
&args )
  bool unknown = false;
  KMimeType::Ptr mimeType = KMimeType::findByURL( url );
  QString mimeName = mimeType->name();
  QString mimeComment = mimeType->comment();    
  if (mimeName == "application/octet-stream") {
    unknown = true;
    mimeName = "text/html";
  KonqView* newView = 0L;
  newView = m_pViewManager->addTab( mimeName, mimeComment );
  if (newView == 0L) return;
  if (unknown) new KonqRun( this, newView, url );
  else openURL( newView, url, args );
newView->frame() );

I also changed the popup tab code to something very similar to this, because 
it fixes a bug where if you open a link to an image from a webpage in a new 
tab, and the image is not a local file, it displays the image as text.  The 
sollution is kind of hacky though.

Also, I though that the options for tabs should go under a "Tabbed Browsing" 
tab in the "Web Browsing->Konqueror Browser", because tabbed browsing is used 
almost exclusively for web surfing, so this would seem the most intuitive 
choice.  I also have some code for that in my tree which I am cleaning up 

So, if you've whipped up some code for this already, i would love to see it, 
so that way we can kind of pool our resources, and come up with the best 


-- Doug

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