Konqueror's user agent string (again)

Roland Seuhs roland at hasos.com
Sat Aug 17 20:15:24 BST 2002

Am Samstag, 17. August 2002 19:00 schrieb Dawit A.:

> If you also bothered to look at the stats on the link provided, you will
> see that NONE and I mean NONE of the other browsers send only the major
> version # !!!!!!
>  Why do we need to be different ? 

The Mozilla-project sends the same version (Mozilla 5.0) along since the 
project exists, for a couple of years now.

Also, MSIE only changes browser strings about once a year and does not show 
any service-packs (which would be the equivalent of minor versions)

> The statistics seems to
> be counted correctly for the other browsers that provide both the major and
> minor version numbers...

Well, that's not true because Konqueror get's counted as "Netscape", so does 
Mozilla, Opera, Galeon and every other browser that is "Mozilla - compatible" 
except Internet Explorer, which is the only one to get an own platform 

I tried to talk to the author of webalizer but he refused to put any non-MSIE 
browsers into the platform groupings section, so it continues to be counted 
as Netscape. Of course not everybody uses platform groupings so even with a 
correct Konqueror platform grouping I think the user agent string should not 
change too often.


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