DOM Level 2 HTML (fwd)

Vadim Plessky lucy-ples at
Thu Aug 8 12:48:19 BST 2002

On Thursday 08 August 2002 1:12 pm, David Faure wrote:
|  On Wednesday 07 August 2002 16:57, Philippe Le Hegaret wrote:
|  > > I guess the first step would be to try out the "DOM Level 1" tests
|  > > inside Konqueror, to see if there's any framework problem. I'll try
|  > > doing that today.
|  Ok, I have found out what goes wrong when trying to run
| /k/DOMTSL1Core-20020213.tar.gz in konqueror (current CVS).
|  The TOC-generation in index.htm doesn't work, because the document has an
|  XHTML doctype (and uses accordingly lowercase tag names), but the
|  Javascript code (in resources/toc.js) calls
|  getElementsByTagName("DIV")
|  getElementsByTagName("H2")
|  etc. (using uppercase tag names)
|  Due to the XHTML declaration, khtml looks for lowercase tag names,
|  and doesn't understand what DIV and H2 are about.
|  Is that a khtml bug, or is that behaviour correct (and toc.js wrong) ?

To my best knowledge, toc.js is wrong if Doctype ==  XHTML
May be, this bug has not been noticied  before as Doctype was HTML 4.0?

|  Dirk: DocumentImpl::tagId is where the "problem" is.
|  - --
|  David FAURE, david at, faure at

Vadim Plessky  (English)
33 Window Decorations and 6 Widget Styles for KDE
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