banking site broken

Michael Reiher michael.reiher at
Mon Apr 22 15:15:36 BST 2002

> > This is what is looks like in Netscape:
> >
> Is that the original website, or the testcase?
> Here, the testcase shows almost nothing in Mozilla (just the background).
> (but maybe it's just that you removed the Moz/NS specific code from the testcase)
Erm, the screenshot is from the original site while being online. I haven't
Mozilla installed, but Netscape 4.76 somehow doesn't show much as well when
viewing the unmodified page offline.
It was merely to show what it looks like in NS/IE.

> > And this is a tar ball with with a somewhat cleaned up version of the html file
> > and some files sourced from it.
> >
> I see no Javascript parse error, nor execution error, nor exception throwing....
> so this is very hard to debug. Seems khtml related (rendering) more than
> JS related... but it needs to be reduced to a much smaller testcase to be
> debuggable ;(
Ok, I tried to look into it a bit deeper. First it seems I have cleaned out a
bit too much. For the no-reaction-when-clicking problem there is a form
"navigation" which seems to be relevant. Unfortunately I don't know how to
usefully break the file down to a simple testcase without removing something
too much as I don't know what is relevant.

The other thing is that even in the original online version the normal menu
entries don't even show up as links. If you move the cursor over an entry which
opens a sub menu(like "Konto" or "Service") the cursor changes to the hand
cursor and in the status line you see JavaScript:showSub(2). But for normal
entries(like "Überweisung" or "Abmelden") there is no reaction at all. So maybe
if that would be fixed then actually executing the attached javascript function
(loadPageNav()) works already fine. Can I perhaps manually trigger a javascript
call? Wasn't there... ah, cool, DCOP rocks!! If I have the site open and
manually call loadPageNav('Ueberweisung') through the evalJS() DCOP call then
loading that page works fine. So it's just the issue of loadPageNav() not
getting called at all. 

Anyway I updated the tarball. Anything necessary should now be still in the
html file now. I just removed some sensitive information and IMO useless table
cells. If you need the whole file I can send it to you privatly.  



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