Wrong Konqueror information in Hiermenus 4.2.3 "releasenotes" ?

Stig Nygaard stig at rockland.dk
Sat Apr 6 19:30:20 BST 2002

Hi Konqueror experts and developers

Congratulations with the new Konqueror-release and the support in the latest release of Hiermenus. It's really cool !

Reading the "release-notes" of the new Hiermenus version, I found something I hope is an error in the description of Konquerors support of events. At the bottom of the page at http://www.webreference.com/dhtml/column65/3.html it says:

> Event Target Elements
> Konqueror uses the srcElement property of the event object to identify the element
> that fired the event, like IE and unlike the NS browsers which use the target
> property. And like IE, the Konqueror event object is created, and universally
> available, whenever an event is fired. In NS, the event object is passed as an
> argument to the event handler.

Doesn't Konqueror 3 supports the W3C DOM 2 and Netscape 6+ event model, including the target-proporty like Konqueror 2.x did ? 

I myself are still running KDE/Konqueror 2.2.1, so I haven't been able to test this myself, but if I'm right that they are wrong, they should be corrected. No need to promote a non-standard Microsoft Event-model we aint supporting. (or if Konqueror support both models now, it would be nice if it was said Konqueror supports the W3C way too).

Yes, maybe I should just write the HierMenus team instead of you, but since I haven't tried the new release yet, I want to be absolutely sure I'm right Konqueror still supports the W3C DOM Event model and problably doesn't support the MSIE-way ?

BTW, Peter-Paul Koch has added an Event compatibility page in his JavaScript section. The page can be found at: http://www.xs4all.nl/~ppk/js/index.html?/~ppk/js/events_compinfo.html

Stig Nygaard
stig at rockland.dk

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