[Kexi] [ideas] Google Fusion Tables - storage for Kexi?

Noli Sicad nsicad at gmail.com
Sun Nov 27 03:46:05 UTC 2011

> The goal is to make Kexi able to open sqlite3 files directly.
> This is a higher-priority plan for the next version after Kexi 2.4.

Read and write sqlite3 files directly?

I hope it is not a year or 2 from now but sooner.

Any programs / apps that can read and write .kexi files at the moment?

Any python, javascript bindings that can read and write .kexi files at
the moment?

Kexi would be good data input for QGIS, if it can read and write
sqlite (i.e. spatailite files) even just non spatial.


QGIS can read and write PosgreSQL (i.e. PostGIS) and sqlite (i.e
spatialite files) and QGIS has a python bindiings (i.e. PyQGIS) and
soon probably a javascript bindings as well in QGIS version 2 (plan).




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