[Kexi] No urgency to enable kexi to create composite primary keys -Must be another way then?

msjs08 msjs08 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 2 18:09:40 CEST 2010

Hi All
There seems not to be urgency to enable kexi to create composite primary 
Then there must be another way to do the following three tables?
I thought you could only do it via a composite primary key.

Many plants can have the same common name and many plants can have many 
common names.
(I created the original layout for OOOBase)

*Field Name* 	*Field Type* 	*Req* 	*Len* 	*Key* 	*Comment*
PlantID 	Integer 	INTEGER 	Yes 	10 	p 	
BotName 	Text 	VARCHAR 	Yes 	50 	
Synonym 	Text 	VARCHAR 	No 	50 	
FamName 	Integer 	INTEGER 	Yes 	10 	
	Listbox from FamName.tbl
PlantDescript 	Memo 	LONGVARCHAR 	Yes 	0 	
ImagePath 	Text 	VARCHAR 	No 	100 	

	*Link table/Composite Key*
*Field Name* 	*Field Type* 	*Req* 	*Len* 	*Key* 	*Comment*
PlantID 	Integer 	INTEGER 	Yes 	10 	p 	Plants.tbl plantID
ComNameID 	Integer 	INTEGER 	Yes 	10 	p 	ComName.tbl ComNameID
ReferenceID 	Integer 	INTEGER 	Yes 	10 	p 	Reference.tbl ReferenceID

*Field Name* 	*Field Type* 	*Req* 	*Len* 	*Key* 	*Comment*
ComNameID 	Integer 	INTEGER 	Yes 	10 	p 	
ComName 	Text 	VARCHAR 	Yes 	50 	

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