[Kexi] Kexi for Mac OS X

CT' ct2193 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 22 22:15:46 CET 2010

I have been following the Kexi project for a few weeks now and had
intended to attempt an installation of it. Today I discovered that
first, it's not a precompiled package for Mac. That's a major strike
against it. Then I find the FINK project that you do have a package
for requires a witch doctor, voo doo dolls, and some heavy chanting to
get it to install under Mac OS X 10.6.

I'm not a programmer, though i do frequently use Linux. The effort
involved to even try your product under Mac OS X is a major deterrent
even for me, let alone people who don't use Linux nor code software.

What can I do to encourage the development of precompiled Mac OS X
versions of Kexi? As a systems administrator, I can occasionally make
available (via the Internet) a variety of Mac OS X systems, but I
would need to know how you'd need them configured.

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