[Kexi] Documentation for Combo boxes and the like

Manfred Jung mjung at ccm.org.za
Fri Feb 6 09:24:14 CET 2009

Indeed You are right with thevisible column. this seems to be the collum 
that gets displayed when a selection has been made and the drop down 
combo box is closed. Nevertheless kexi displays mor than one column in 
the drop down part of the combo box if the underlying table has more 
than one column. This is nice but it would be better to find a way to 
decide which columns gets displayed and in which order. But I understand 
kexi is a project in progress. and so far I like what I see.

One more question if I may. There seems to be no wiggit  to display a 
table in a form. (ie more than one  record in a list). I would need this 
in a form to display all phone numbers of a particular contact. The 
phone numbers are saved in a seperate table since on person can have 
many phone numbers. Or is there a better/different way of doing this in 

Thanks for all the help.

BTW apart from the handbook ther is no other help (baring the mailinglist)?


Jaroslaw Staniek wrote:
> By the way, corrently only one column can be declared as visible in
> the "lookup column" pane.

Manfred Jung
Tel     +27 11 976-4044
Fax     +27 11 976-4042
email   mjung at ccm.org.za

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