[Kexi] SQL Queries in Kexi

Jarosław Staniek js at iidea.pl
Thu Jan 31 16:01:46 CET 2008

Ken Hess said the following, On 2008-01-31 15:47:
> How do you execute SQL queries in Kexi? I see how to enter them and check
> them for accuracy but there isn't any where to execute them.
> This kind of thing should be standard,...like using INSERT for multi record
> insertion or regular queries.

Use "Switch to data view mode" toggle button.
There are currently no so-called "functional" queries supported in Kexi 
(parser currently supporting SELECTs will have to support INSERTs, UPDATEs as 
well, and ideally, the GUI will have to somewhat display preview of the results).

So you should use external tools like the ksqlite console.

It is safer to close the Kexi file or at least the table (of form) before 
running SQL commands that modify already opened and loaded data.

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
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