[Kexi] Kexi try to convert MySQL project
Jarosław Staniek
js at iidea.pl
Wed Oct 17 18:03:54 CEST 2007
Jan Gromadzki said the following, On 2007-10-17 14:24:
> I have data bases stored on MySQL server and use Kexi for viewing and
> updating them. A few days ago it suddenly stopped working -
> after selecting "open project" (on database server) appeared a window
> with following text:
> Projekt bazy danych "HomeInfo" (połączenie jan at localhost) nie wygląda
> na utworzony za pomocą Kexi.
> Czy chcesz dokonać jego importu do nowego projektu Kexi?
> (my Kexi is Polish-speaking, in translation it should be something
> like: "Database project "HomeInfo" (connection jan at localhost) does not
> seem to be created by Kexi. Would you like to import it to new
> Kexi-project?" and 2 buttons to choose: "import ..." and "exit
> program" (or similar);
> both are not acceptable, of course. Another
> box with the same version of the software (Slack 12) and with
> a copy of the same databases still works properly. Could anybody
> recognise what is the matter?
Hello Jan,
Does the second box have acces to he same database or to a copy? If this is a
copy, maybe you could perform a mysqldump of both copies and compare them?
You could look at tables having prefix kexi__ in name - [1] absence of these
tables or [2] removed/edited records (e.g. using external tools) could lead to
the problem you describe.
Specifically, the error appears when there is no result in the following query:
SELECT db_value FROM kexi__db WHERE db_property='kexidb_major_ver';
result: 1
You can try this with your MySQL Admin tool.
regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
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