[Kexi] Help with linked lists

Jarosław Staniek js at iidea.pl
Wed May 9 21:51:18 CEST 2007

jazz_johnson at verizon.net said the following, On 2007-05-09 20:16:

> I wanted to try out some trees in sql using methods as in
> http://www.dbazine.com/oracle/or-articles/tropashko4
> http://www.grzm.com/fornow/archives/2004/07/10/static_hierarchies
> So I set up a simple table;
> heirarchy(name,path)={
> King, '1'
> Jones, '1.1'
> Scott, '1.1.1'
> Adams, ''
> Ford, '1.1.2'
> Smith, ''
> Blake, '1.2'
> Allen, '1.2.1'
> Ward, '1.2.2'
> Clark, '1.3'
> Miller, '1.3'
> }
> with a query defined in the SQL screen
> myquery=SELECT name, path FROM heirarchy WHERE path = '1.1' OR path = '1' 
> But when I add a text widget to a form with formsource=myquery
> the widget datasource is 'expr1'
> If I click on the query design view, then myquery is changed to:
> SELECT name,path FROM heirarchy
> But there seems to be no way of selecting fields from mysquery
> without clicking on the query design view screen.
> Is it possible to pick query columns without using query design mode?

In other words this would lead to designing a query with subquery, if I 
understand correctly. Subqueries are not supported at all in the Query 
Designer yet (before Kexi 2.1...), even in SQL View -- and even if something 
does not cause error in the SQL View.

Feel free to add a wish to bugs.kde.org for relevant features -- more wishes 
filed explicitly help making people aware what they can demand and vote...

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
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