[Kexi] Data import and new postgres projects.

Jarosław Staniek js at iidea.pl
Mon Oct 2 20:38:05 CEST 2006

Antonio Gennarini said the following, On 2006-10-02 20:19:

 > Refering to my previous emails regarding kexi and postgres, I thought
 > that maybe compiling kexi on my machine would have helped.
 > But nothing! It still crashes. Anybody experiencing the same issues.
 > Should I be posting such a request to the devel team just in case
 > someone wants to go further on and understand why? I'm not a programmer
 > so can't help more than this.

You may be surprised, but the devel team is already looking at your report. 
At leaset me :)
What version have you compiled?
Use 1.1.0 RC1 version (from koffice 1.6 RC1), the newest you can get from a 

Compile with "--enable-debug=full". PostgreSQL community is not yet so active 
here, what can be a partial reason for delayed reactions. Your involvement can 
change this situation.

Next time however please consider using better subjects than "Not even 
compilation resolved my problems", because your email is archived for other 
users. I've changed the subject to the original now.

I have this week befoe friday to fix all serious bugs.

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
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