[Kexi] Hello! Roadmap and importing

John Fields John.Fields at expo-online.com
Wed Nov 22 08:19:49 CET 2006

First, I love the interface of Kexi.  
Second, I enjoyed setting up a new kexi database up to the point where feature issues stopped me.
Third, I don't code C but could help with doc and the wiki migration (i'll come back to that later).  We (mankind) really need a good open source db manager app.
I have used foxpro, dataease, pervasive, ms-access, MS-SQL manager and more; I am not a full time database guy.
Short version: is there a roadmap, etc. regarding importing?
That is the feature that is holding me back, as I need to train a non-technical user to import a database we buy on a bi-weekly schedule. In particular:
1) appending to an existing table would solve all my issues.
2) currently the import assumes the field type and is guessing incorrectly (changing my data).
 I have a CSV line like: 
2006,20,"042639","MRK29","Scanda-Lash Hook Up Mascara","Winegloss",,-1,-1,0,$5.00,$5.00,"R",0,"N"
Kexi makes the third field a number, stripping the leading zero(s) from the SKU.
3) I originally had the field separator as the pipe character, or "|" but couldn't specify it on the import. used a text editor to search/replace the pipe to a comma.
4) She would be running windows so the CopyCenter python script is out (right?).
So she cannot use Kexi to get the data into a table it seems.  I dual boots SuSE but this tool is suppose to free *me* to do other things. :)
Any suggestions?
Great work, will lurk on the list for a while. 
John Fields
Dallas, TX USA
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