[Kexi] importing mdb files
Jarosław Staniek
js at iidea.pl
Fri May 26 17:22:32 CEST 2006
Jan Gromadzki said the following, On 2006-05-26 17:05:
> Is there anybody who has tried importing MS Access files? Even no real
> DB but e.g. test_db.mdb.
> I have tried and only 16 kB of this 208 kB data was imported - 4 tables
> with small amount of data.
Thanks for your interest. In such cases, to get faster response, I'd like to
see the example data, if it's not a secret. You can defragment it and
compress, then send to me; I wont publish it if not aloowed. Maybe you have
just found a case that we do not cover yet.
> Kexi is from new koffice 1.5.1 + keximdb 1.0
> (compiling of v. 1.0.1 ends with error 127 after entering make
> command).
Could you provide the full error message?
Note that 1.0.1 version is better: imports decimal and floating-point values
very well.
> Is it possible to import real MS access data in any simple way?
We developed the driver for such applications, and I use it for real data.
E.g. data from northwind.mdb can be imported, and this is not a trivial db.
> I am desktop user and automated importing old access files (some
> unsophisticated data bases) is very important task for me now. After
> all, Kexi seems now to be quite adequate to serve the same role as MS
> access, I think.
We work step-by-step, you can help us to improve!
regards / pozdrawiam,
Jaroslaw Staniek / OpenOffice Polska
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