[Kexi] importing mdb files

Jan Gromadzki jg_box at poczta.fm
Fri May 26 17:05:15 CEST 2006


Is there anybody who has tried importing MS Access files? Even no real
DB but e.g. test_db.mdb.
I have tried and only 16 kB of this 208 kB data was imported - 4 tables
with small amount of data. Kexi is from new koffice 1.5.1 + keximdb 1.0
(compiling of v. 1.0.1  ends with error 127 after entering make
Is it possible to import real MS access data in any simple way?
I am desktop user and automated importing old access files (some
unsophisticated data bases) is very important task for me now. After
all, Kexi seems now to be quite adequate to serve the same role as MS
access, I think.

With best regards


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