[Kexi-devel] RFC: plan for starting the Qt5/KF5 port

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at kde.org
Fri Feb 27 00:22:47 UTC 2015

Am Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2015, 08:33:25 schrieb Jaroslaw Staniek:
> On 25 February 2015 at 01:01, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <kossebau at kde.org> 
> > Am Dienstag, 24. Februar 2015, 09:47:41 schrieb Boudewijn Rempt:
> >> As a sidenote, I also want to take the opportunity to do a clean-up step,
> >> but I'm not sure what the right moment or place is. It might even
> >> something to do in the 2.9 branch after tagging...
> >> 
> >> * replace all header guards with '#pragma once' -- because errors with
> >> header guards are actually quite frequent, and all compilers support this
> >> pragma now.
> Let's either fix the guards or Qt Creator [
> https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCREATORBUG-7317 ]...
> Other KDE projects would have the same issue, it's apparently not very
> bit if only 263 files use it:
> http://lxr.kde.org/search?_filestring=&_string=%22pragma+once%22
> I would delay this change until the tool support it, and especially
> for frameworks I would not use it.
> So ending up with some files using it and some not does not look clean
> for me, it's a distraction (also in git history).

So seems general consensus is that it might be nice in theory, but practically 
being non-standard and more important creating troubles for people using 
QCreator. So let's skip that one. It's only affecting three lines per header 
usually, so can be done any time later.


> > Hm, I have not seen this done elsewhere yet, can we be sure that all
> > compilers we are targetting (which I assume would be defined what Qt5/KF5
> > targets for now) support this? And given you also target the 2.9 branch,
> > which might mean another set of compilers again. CentOS4(?)'s compiler
> > supports it? (Pardon, just stresstesting things I note down)
> > 
> >> * rename all krita files to the calligra standard. (cc -> cpp, underscore
> >> -> CamelCaps)
> >> 
> >> * from kde-dev-scripts, run:
> >> ** astyle-kdelibs (prevents the astyle problems with foreach and so on)
> >> ** clean-forward-declaration.sh (remove unused forward declarations)
> >> 
> >> * from plasma-framework, run:
> >> ** port-qslots.sh (to port to Q_SLOTS and Q_SIGNALS)
> >> ** port-includes.sh (to get rid of the module prefixes in includes)
> >> ** port-cmake-style.sh (to get a bit more consistency)
> > 
> > I am not sure everyone of the maintainers is yet convinced that this is
> > okay WRT git blame. Has consensus been reached there meanwhile? Any parts
> > of the repo which should be left out (Kexi?)?
> Applying full astyle is IMHO not OK, and even against efforts of
> everyone who keeps eye on proper coding style while doing code
> reviews.
> Secondly, breaking git blame is unacceptable. Unlike file renames,
> there's no equivalent of --follow or ignoring whitespace while
> patching, it's a massive irreversible break in history.
> People who try this would have to work with scripts like these [
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5098256/git-blame-prior-commits ]

Noted as counter arguments.


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